Who we are


We are a family owned and operated local company, based in Boise Idaho. We gear our designs to people who enjoy the outdoors. Sunstone was created as a form of therapy in a way. After multiple surgeries from health issues we needed an outlet to help deal with the challenges of the physical therapy. So we started drawing and creating simple designs . Pulling from our past experiences living in Idaho as inspiration . We then started giving away our art to friends and family. We found that the giving away brought us the most joy and the true healing began. This gave us the idea to create a business that could help others as well as for our family. When you purchase a Sunstone product you are showing that you support our cause which is to help get clean drinking water to people who need the most. It's estimated that 1 in 3 or 2.2 billion people don't have access to safe drinking water. A portion of our profits goes to . Please visit them for details and see the great things they are doing worldwide.   We hope our products provide you with some style, protection, and inspiration . We appreciate your support . Get outside and enjoy what the outdoors has to offer.                         Remember to    " LIVE THE MOMENT "

 A special thanks to MODE Productions

For Customer Service and/or Retailers wanting to set-up a wholesale accounts please email: